Saturday, February 25, 2012

welcome all

This blog is meant for people who wan to raise their voice against injustice against innocent people all around the world.It can be injustice in many forms.The powerful denying rights of the poor. The rich political leaders making away with the common man's money. Laws by the governments which force many people to be jobless. Policies which force people out of jobs and a means of livelihood and favor the multinational corporations and those in power. Political powers favoring one group against the others. Systems wherein the rich and powerful are above the law while those without any political strength are the ones who are blamed. This blog is intended to share such information which takes place all around the world. In every country activities similar to the ones mentioned above take place in one way or the other. The aim is to make people aware that the problems are the same all around the world. Its only expressed in a different manner. Racial discrimination occurs too often in America and Europe while in Africa and Asia, its about caste. However, the aim is not to highlight the negative points of various governments and organisations and to berate them. The aim is to find out the real motive behind such activities. And to spread the message that it can all end one day. Because the one reason why they are successful is because they dont have an opposition which is different from them to challenge them. Even in politics, or any organization for that matter, once a person gets elected to office he just follows what his predecessor was doing, favoring a different group, making more money and denying rights to certain people. By starting this blog, I hope to convince a lot of people out there that if we are to put and end to this system which has spread world wide, we will have to unite and go against every single policy of theirs which is a form of injustice.Hence, united we stand, divided we fall.We are one

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