Saturday, February 25, 2012

The first injustices

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where man went wrong and tried to practice activities that would benefit a few at the expense of others, rather than try to do things for the benefit of others.

Religion pinpoints the first injustice as Able being killed by Cain. And some religious schools of thought blame Eve for enticing Adam to eat the fruit, putting the blame of eating the fruit on Eve and absolving Adam of any wrongdoing, while both were warned from eating the fruit. In the case of eating the fruit, the blame shifts on Eve to prove the superiority of men over women.

This example is used often to say that women are not fit to be head of the house, lead people, take the right decisions and is not strong headed in tough situations. However the right way to look at the event is that both were equally responsible for their respective fall from heaven to Earth and neither is responsible for the other. That is, one should be able to make the right decision irrespective of what pressures they are faced with and the inability to do so does not lead the blame to be shifted to a supposed inferior character. That is if Eve was responsible for enticing Adam to eat the fruit after both were beseeched by Satan, then Adam was equally guilty of falling for her persuasion. Only if one accepts this, then one can treat men and women as equals. Is it any secret that no woman has ever been the President of the United States of America?

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