Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Injustice during colonial rule

A lot of injustices have been committed against people who are militarily backward. They have been overpowered, their culture denounced as uncivilized and resembling the living of animals, their resources looted, one local played against the other in name of family, religion, caste and creed, instilled a divide and rule policy which so many countries have adopted till today even after gaining freedom and they have been treated as slaves, in their own lands. History is witness to the above mentioned series of events. And the irony is that it has been repeated a number of times. Only in the last century, after the end of the Second World War, were the original inhabitants of the land given their due rights, respect and freedom from foreign slavery. But even today, they are labeled as third world countries. Is it fair? Their only fault is they did not have the military power to overcome the foreign armies. After studying their history and culture, historians are in agreement that majority of these countries were ahead of their conquerors at one point of time in history. The inhabitants of Africa and Asia, who were colonized by the Europeans, had a fledging civilization with a well structured society, economy and a government to run it all. Just because it was alien to the Europeans it doesn’t mean it was primitive. While civilization started in these continents, the most advanced people in Europe were the Vikings, who were nothing more than Barbarians known for looting and plundering. And after enslaving the continents of Asia and Africa, their inhabitants are inferior to the Europeans? Doesn’t make sense does it. 

The same applies for the aborigines of Australia and Native Americans of North and South America. Their whole civilization was wiped out due to military might of the invading European forces, the American government labeled their practices, ways of living, praying and names as inhuman. The choice given to them was the bullet or live life the American way. They had to give up their language, religion, culture and identity to what they thought was being accepted into society.

At present the only place to find the original American culture is in museums, while in Australia the condition is slightly better with the head of State recently apologizing for all those years of mistreatment. It is our duty to remind ourselves and people that all are equal and just because one has military might, it does not give them the right to mistreat people who are at a military disadvantage. Instead a responsibility is put on the shoulders of those with military might to use it wisely rather than to accomplish personal, selfish aims. The same holds good for the scenario in today’s world too.

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