Sunday, May 20, 2012

Anti- NATO protests

 The common man finally put together a show of strength against the top decision making countries of the world to voice their unhappiness.
The protestors obviously want NATO to be a thing of the past and want the leaders of the respected countries to concentrate on something more constructive than deciding which country to target after current military operations are over.
It is no surprise that Nicolas Sarkozy, France's former president lost the elections due to prioritizing his friendship with America and NATO over the the present conditions in France.
If the other leaders will take a hint, they can still be around after elections in their respective countries.
Else they'll have to warm the opposition bench rather than represent their countries at NATO and G8 the next  time round. 
Anti- NATO protests

 Peaceful protests

False charges against protesters

And the protests go on 

Friday, May 18, 2012

A bit busy, but

Sorry guys.
Will be busy for a couple of weeks.
So wont be able to share my thoughts on current events.
But there are some mind boggling things going on around the world and it will be good for you to know what is wrong and what has to be done to set things right.

You just cant buy happiness

Selling the country to stay in power

The price for justice

Saturday, May 12, 2012

When a cartoon drawn 60 yrs ago made headlines for the wrong reasons

The Hindu : States / Other States : Cartoon row: Scholar’s office ransacked

It is not a new problem.
Its been present since time immemorial.
When is freedom of speech abused?
Some people take great liberties with it.
Others dont allow any other point of view except their own.
A number of times, the line is never drawn, so no one knows if he has crossed limits and hurt others sentiments.

So what do you say to people who react violently to a cartoon published 60 years ago?
In India, as well in other countries where a democracy exists, no issue is spared. As they say, an opportunity should be grabbed with both hands.
After this episode, I guess it is safe to say that people can behave however they like, giving the reason that their sentiments have been hurt, and they can cause a mess in the public and they will not be brought to the book

THIS is the Indian mentality. It is OK to behave violently and get away with it, giving the excuse that your sentiments have been hurt, even though nothing close to that has happened.

In the article, the grandson of the Father of the Indian Constitution says that Dr. Ambedkar would not have opposed the cartoon. Then what is the meaning of getting angry at something that was created 60 years when the persons who were targeted didnt see the need to react to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is absolute non sense. The cartoon became an issue in Parliament.Why? Somebody felt it 'hurt his sentiments'. This is the way India is. The largest democracy in the world, where any issue of any age can be taken up and the people in power will force the common man to watch the ugly circus.
Below is the cartoon.

The issue is in front of you.
What's your reaction?